Category: american lives and living

  • good dreams and bad dreams.

    Who has dreams, and are they bad or good ones. I know i have some good dreams but most of them are bad dreams that wake me and i cant get back to sleep again. I am afraid to sleep cause of the nightmares to. So i sleep funny times sometimes during the day when…

  • rain, snow, or blue sky weather

    Hello who loves snow, or rain storms and or blue sky weather. I love when it is not raining cause the wind and thunder scares me to death. I do and don’t like snow, cause snow is freeezing cold. I love blue sky weather when it is warm but not to warm, cause of my…

  • morning people or no

    Hello who loves mornings, or who does not. I know i am grouchy in the morning and i am not ready to start moving untel my body says to. Is that the same with you or no.

  • night owls or do you sleep through out the night

    Hello i have to ask this question. Do you have trouble sleeping or can you fall asleep with out a problem, Or do you stay up late cause you want to or does nightmares keep you awake at night.

  • junking out

    I was wondering what kind of snack foods do you junk out on. Like candys and other fun stuff. I love chocolate and chips and bunch of things to much to mension here.

  • what are your favorite drinks

    what is your favorite drink. It can be cold, hot or nothing. Some of mine are cherry pepsi, pepsi root beer, sprite and coke and cherry coke and doctor pepper and loads of others. I also like to mix loads of soda together and drink it it is sooooooooo good man. It makes me hyper…

  • favorite foods

    here is a few of my favorite things. I love pizza, meat loaf, and shells and cheese, and much more i can prattle off but it is your turn to tell down in the comments what you like and if you don’t like something tell me why as well.

  • scents that you like and dislike

    hello everyone. I love diferint kinds of scents. Like roses, and diferint fruity smells. I do like men calone as well Depends on how they smell. One day i will do an audio for you guys instead of typing. Just don’t like my voice mu.

  • baths or showers

    Hello was wondering what people like better a bath or a shower. I love baths cause they help me with joint pain and other, but i also know that you are in your own human matter to when doing this. People think that is really gross and in some ways i know it to be…

  • remembering

    I am here to remember my friend from may 25 of 2022 he was murdered by a man and my friend was only 35 at the time of his death. wry was the admin of my game i played and he was shot in the chest buy a dude that was 29 thank god they…
